NFPT 25 Years in the Making: Oliver Eehn

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We have many amazing affiliates that we got to work with and talk to on a daily basis. Most fitness professionals will stay in the personal training aspect of the industry from 3-5 years. Here at NFPT, we have been fortunate enough to have trainers maintain their certification with us for 20 or more years! For our 25th Anniversary, we would like to publicly recognize those trainers who have been faithful and loyal to us from the very beginning. Today we would like to recognize Oliver Eehn.

How long have you been certified with NFPT?029

20 years as of this summer.

Why did you choose NFPT?

At that time, NFPT seemed like they offered a great program/curriculum, along with having a low entry barrier.

Why stick with NFPT? What motivated you to be a personal trainer for so long?

The health and fitness industry can be very rewarding, if done properly. Knowing that I can make a difference in the lives of others is what keeps me going. As the industry continually evolves it’s always exciting to see what’s coming next. Then because NFPT was my first certification, I’m especially proud of that one, besides being recognized by the NCCA.

What made you decide to become a personal trainer?

That’s a long story, but in short, I grew up as an athlete and fell in love with the iron game at an early age. So it seemed natural that I should make a living at it.

What changes have you seen in the industry?

Too many to list here. But we’ve sure come a long way from Pumping Iron’s hard core gyms to where we are today.

What has been your hardest challenge as a personal trainer?

I’ve had more than my shares of failure and success and I know I will always continue to. So it’s always a challenge. Life is a challenge. It’s how one deals with it that determines the difference between success and failure.

MAH002001What has been your most rewarding experience as a personal trainer?

Looking back over the years, it is truly satisfying to see the mark you made on the lives of others as well as in the fitness business world. But the way I see it now, there’s much more to come!

Any funny stories from throughout the years?

A few, but nothing that would make headlines, unlike with some of the stories from fellow Fitness Professionals. One of my upcoming books will contain many of the things they don’t teach you in “Personal Training School”, which will includes lots of satirical stories!

Any advice for those who aspire to stay in this industry as long as you?

It’s all about perseverance. You got to be adventurous and willing to try new things, as well as keep up with the times. One of my other businesses involves assisting other Fitness Professionals in their quest in business that goes into much detail on what it truly takes to
succeed in a very competitive industry. Of course, we all discover very quickly that there’s a lot more involved than just taking folks through leg presses and ab crunches then receiving payment thereafter.


The NFPT Team is your #FitFam of trainer professionals who make various contributions to the NFPT Blog according to timed news and events, or interests in writing to current topics respective to individual skillset, talent and/or professional recommendations.