NFPT 25 Years in the Making: Kane Kelly

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We have many amazing affiliates that we got to work with and talk to on a daily basis. Most fitness professionals will stay in the personal training aspect of the industry from 3-5 years. Here at NFPT, we have been fortunate enough to have a bunch of trainers maintain their certification with us for 20 or more years! For our 25th Anniversary, we would like to publicly recognize those trainers who have been faithful and loyal to us from the very beginning. Today we would like to recognize Kane Kelly.

How long have you been certified with NFPT?

I got certified with NFPT in 1993.

Why did you choose NFPT?

My first certification was as a certified sports massage therapist. Knowing I need to learn more, I discovered NFPT. There I began reading and adding to my practical application, making corrections with contradicted exercises to improving finer points, etiquette, nutrition, and understanding what I was really doing and why on the business side of it all. NFPT was my obvious next choice in certifications since I saw what I needed to learn from them.

Why stick with NFPT? Why so long as a personal trainer?

16535_1250448776389_1084562006_30799812_3525993_nI upgraded to the Master Trainer status with Advanced weight training, Nutritional &  Endurance specialist courses to continue my education and attained the Presidential sports award for weight training that same year. Being a competitive Bodybuilder in the NPC and holding many state and local show titles I maintained my certification because I new this was what I was meant to do.  Improve and help others adjust their lifestyles in whatever way to be more healthy, advance younger athletes in sports and to help  educate the senior crowd (retirement area here) ..that its never to late to begin a healthier life style.

What made you decide to become a personal trainer?


I interned at a health club as a trainer and manager during my four years of college at Northwood Institute where I graduated with a bachelors in business administration. I became interested in the industry and now own and operate two Health Clubs/Specialty Sports Shops.

What changes have you seen in the industry?

The industry as evolved over the past 20 years and I have evolved with it. Nutritional needs, training tactics, equipment, supplementation, regulation, body composition testing, competition from other gyms and economy have been a battle to keep up with. And I have survived the worst…worst being competition and cut throat rates afforded by franchises which only end up closing themselves. New resources and constant information and upgrades on behalf of NFPT and its resources have made staying in the game for me a success and a lifestyle I will retire with. I am still a competitive masters competitor in bodybuilding, so having to adjust my own training and nutrition to ward off injuries and yet stay competitive in the sport.

What has been your most rewarding experience as a personal trainer?

The rewards of being a personal trainer and living the lifestyle are literally worn on your shoulder and your physique demonstrates what you know. I walk the walk, talk the talk and have had the luxury of training one-on-one over 1,000 clients to date. I’ve changed more lives and saved more lives through nutritional changes and lifestyle changes than I can count, trained generation to generation in families and made lifetime friends.

Any advice for those who aspire to stay in this industry as long as you?

My advise to young trainers or business owners: you’re never done learning or adapting. Everybody responds different to nutrition and exercise, there is n one right way to do something. Every individual is different and unique as far as past injuries to work around and compensate for. Same goes for nutritional needs and deficiencies of this day.  Stay well rounded in your career.


The NFPT Team is your #FitFam of trainer professionals who make various contributions to the NFPT Blog according to timed news and events, or interests in writing to current topics respective to individual skillset, talent and/or professional recommendations.