Flyers posted around town are wasteful if no one’s looking at them.  Business cards get lost under the car seat and networking events make many people cringe.  Social media marketing can be noisy.  So, what is the best marketing method available today?  The answer is similar to creating a personal training program for a client.

It’s personal…

Many business strategists claim to know the “best marketing strategy” and promise to teach you their “5-steps to success”.  There’s great advice out there and it provides you with the tools necessary to get started.  But, just like with cardio – at some point you need to customize the experience further.  Make it more enjoyable for the individual.

In this case, that’s you!

How do you market according to your personality?  Start by asking yourself these questions…

Past marketing

  • What marketing has been the most effective for me thus far?
  • Why do my clients value me verses a different personal trainer?
  • What makes me different?
  • Am I typically more comfortable marketing myself one-to-one or in front of an audience?


Present marketing

  • What type of clients am I looking to attract?
  • Where do they spend time?
  • How can I comfortably meet those people?


Future marketing

  • Make a list of ideas for how to market yourself, keeping the above answers in mind.
  • Find gaps in your schedule and….
  • Plan to make phone calls or send emails to those that can connect you with your audience.


Example of personal marketing #1

Sharon is a personal trainer who enjoys working with runners and hikers.  She gets nervous teaching groups and has more success connecting with people one-to-one.

Sharon contacts the owner of a local sneaker store and offers herself to come and sit at a table with a sign called “Ask the trainer” once a month.  She can answer questions for the people coming in the store comfortably one-to-one without feeling intimidated by a large group.

Example of a personal marketing #2

Brian is a personal trainer who loves biking.  He’s comfortable speaking in front of groups and has gotten clients from the indoor cycling class he teaches in plan

Brian wants more clients, so he sets up a free workshop at the local bike shop in town to teach exercises for bikers.  This allows him to showcase his skills in front of many people from his ideal audience all at the same time.

Enjoyable marketing

The key here is to find a way to market yourself that is fulfilling and showcases your skills.  You got into this career because of passion and there’s no reason why you can’t enjoy selling yourself.

Spend time thinking back on what’s worked before and who you want to attract as clients currently.  It’s a worthwhile activity.  For enhanced success, write down your answers to the questions from this article on paper.  Then – take action!

Get yourself out there.  Try something and if it doesn’t work, try something else.  The difference between success and failure is that successful people have failed more (but they kept trying).

Let us know what strategy you come up with and how it goes!

Beverly Hosford

Beverly Hosford, MA teaches anatomy and body awareness using a skeleton named Andy, balloons, play-doh, ribbons, guided visualizations, and corrective exercises. She is an instructor, author, and a business coach for fitness professionals. Learn how to help your clients sleep better with in Bev’s NFPT Sleep Coach Program and dive deeper into anatomy in her NFPT Fundamentals of Anatomy Course.