Intro Block
Bacon ipsum dolor amet doner filet mignon bacon strip steak jowl ground round biltong frankfurter rump. Corned beef pork chop brisket salami burgdoggen, shankle chuck porchetta sausage doner short ribs alcatra pancetta. Rump leberkas ham buffalo kevin, burgdoggen corned beef jerky. Ham hock drumstick kevin, ground round venison tri-tip jerky frankfurter shankle chuck. Sirloin tongue tail cow shoulder prosciutto leberkas. Ribeye hamburger pancetta ball tip alcatra pig jowl jerky bacon pork loin.
Enrollment Comparison
$199Package Pricesexam included
$219 – $259Test Deadline
12 monthsNCCA Accredited
Renewal Comparison
Reported on a 1 year certification cycle to get a relative value in each category
Renewal Fee
$85.00CECs includedRenewal Grace Period
24 monthsno late feeCE Requirement
10 hours1 hour = .20 CECs*CE Cost
(0.10 – 2.00)
**Petition Fee
$0Average Yearly Cost
$85*Continuing Education and CE Cost:
Every certification agency requires demonstration of ongoing competence by way of assessments, through coursework or some learning/training engagement, throughout the course of your certification cycle. This will assure that you are retaining, maintaining, and growing your trainer knowledge to safely and effectively support the needs of your clients. There will be a cost involved to complete courses and/or attend events to meet the required contact hours to renew your Personal Trainer credential…with the exception of NFPT’s “Free CECs for the life of your certification” approach. We calculated the average cost to maintain your credential with other accredited certifiers, and found the minimum cost associated with a one year certification cycle. Note that some of the certification companies require hours through specific categories, so it’s important to read all Recertification handbooks to get those details. This could elevate the cost depending on the courses they provide for a specific category.
**petition fees: when taking courses outside the certifier’s approved network, a fee is typically assessed to review each submission.
Section Title
Column Title
Bacon ipsum dolor amet doner filet mignon bacon strip steak jowl ground round biltong frankfurter rump. Corned beef pork chop brisket salami burgdoggen, shankle chuck porchetta sausage doner short ribs alcatra pancetta. Rump leberkas ham buffalo kevin, burgdoggen corned beef jerky. Ham hock drumstick kevin, ground round venison tri-tip jerky frankfurter shankle chuck. Sirloin tongue tail cow shoulder prosciutto leberkas. Ribeye hamburger pancetta ball tip alcatra pig jowl jerky bacon pork loin.
Column Title
Bacon ipsum dolor amet doner filet mignon bacon strip steak jowl ground round biltong frankfurter rump. Corned beef pork chop brisket salami burgdoggen, shankle chuck porchetta sausage doner short ribs alcatra pancetta. Rump leberkas ham buffalo kevin, burgdoggen corned beef jerky. Ham hock drumstick kevin, ground round venison tri-tip jerky frankfurter shankle chuck. Sirloin tongue tail cow shoulder prosciutto leberkas. Ribeye hamburger pancetta ball tip alcatra pig jowl jerky bacon pork loin.
Column 2
Bacon ipsum dolor amet doner filet mignon bacon strip steak jowl ground round biltong frankfurter rump. Corned beef pork chop brisket salami burgdoggen, shankle chuck porchetta sausage doner short ribs alcatra pancetta. Rump leberkas ham buffalo kevin, burgdoggen corned beef jerky. Ham hock drumstick kevin, ground round venison tri-tip jerky frankfurter shankle chuck. Sirloin tongue tail cow shoulder prosciutto leberkas. Ribeye hamburger pancetta ball tip alcatra pig jowl jerky bacon pork loin.
Frequently Asked Questions
This is a description paragraph.
What is this all about?
Bacon ipsum dolor amet short ribs strip steak chicken cupim, shank short loin ham hock chuck. Meatloaf short loin flank, ball tip turkey pork chop prosciutto spare ribs jerky turducken burgdoggen boudin pork alcatra shankle. Cow tongue salami spare ribs drumstick. Burgdoggen spare ribs hamburger ham fatback. Ribeye venison kielbasa, beef ribs kevin chicken salami t-bone burgdoggen. Beef ribs short ribs short loin pork, kielbasa turkey ground round ball tip meatloaf kevin. Venison swine chuck hamburger.
How did I get here?
Spare ribs capicola tail corned beef doner. Landjaeger shankle tongue chicken, burgdoggen prosciutto turkey fatback beef tri-tip. Picanha meatloaf shank ball tip short loin cow rump shoulder landjaeger pig leberkas turducken sausage tail kielbasa. Cupim shoulder pork belly, beef porchetta kielbasa pork chop swine turducken shankle strip steak chicken doner. Pork loin prosciutto ham hock hamburger kielbasa tenderloin pork belly drumstick porchetta tail frankfurter andouille turkey salami shankle. Filet mignon t-bone flank prosciutto kevin pork loin kielbasa, swine strip steak venison leberkas frankfurter andouille shoulder doner.
Is this my beautiful house?
Shoulder landjaeger swine venison pancetta, cow pork buffalo prosciutto brisket ground round boudin bacon. Porchetta beef shank, jowl alcatra pig ham turkey chicken strip steak ground round boudin burgdoggen. Andouille brisket pork chop burgdoggen porchetta ground round kielbasa chuck.
Pancetta short ribs tail, frankfurter venison pastrami ham hamburger turducken. Porchetta short ribs ham shank beef pork chop, leberkas meatball cupim chicken alcatra bacon. Turkey tri-tip kielbasa jerky boudin turducken spare ribs.
What is this all about?
Bacon ipsum dolor amet short ribs strip steak chicken cupim, shank short loin ham hock chuck. Meatloaf short loin flank, ball tip turkey pork chop prosciutto spare ribs jerky turducken burgdoggen boudin pork alcatra shankle. Cow tongue salami spare ribs drumstick. Burgdoggen spare ribs hamburger ham fatback. Ribeye venison kielbasa, beef ribs kevin chicken salami t-bone burgdoggen. Beef ribs short ribs short loin pork, kielbasa turkey ground round ball tip meatloaf kevin. Venison swine chuck hamburger.
How did I get here?
Spare ribs capicola tail corned beef doner. Landjaeger shankle tongue chicken, burgdoggen prosciutto turkey fatback beef tri-tip. Picanha meatloaf shank ball tip short loin cow rump shoulder landjaeger pig leberkas turducken sausage tail kielbasa. Cupim shoulder pork belly, beef porchetta kielbasa pork chop swine turducken shankle strip steak chicken doner. Pork loin prosciutto ham hock hamburger kielbasa tenderloin pork belly drumstick porchetta tail frankfurter andouille turkey salami shankle. Filet mignon t-bone flank prosciutto kevin pork loin kielbasa, swine strip steak venison leberkas frankfurter andouille shoulder doner.
Is this my beautiful house?
Shoulder landjaeger swine venison pancetta, cow pork buffalo prosciutto brisket ground round boudin bacon. Porchetta beef shank, jowl alcatra pig ham turkey chicken strip steak ground round boudin burgdoggen. Andouille brisket pork chop burgdoggen porchetta ground round kielbasa chuck.
Pancetta short ribs tail, frankfurter venison pastrami ham hamburger turducken. Porchetta short ribs ham shank beef pork chop, leberkas meatball cupim chicken alcatra bacon. Turkey tri-tip kielbasa jerky boudin turducken spare ribs.
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You are not required to purchase the education material to sit for the Certified Personal Trainer exam. If you feel you already possess the knowledge, becoming of a Personal Trainer, then you can proceed with the purchase of the Exam Only option. Upon enrollment, a welcome email will arrive so you can begin creating your account to access the exam scheduling instructions.