Personal Trainers Celebrating June Anniversaries

5 Years
10 Years

15 Years

Eddy Smith
Shaloma Allen
Christopher Densman
Angie Schumacher
Amber Speer
Kevin Baek
Mitch Barker
Julie McKeown
Elizabeth Boos
Anthony Cefali
Ellen Dinnerman
Lawrence D. Lee III
Eric Rabinovitz
Joe Craig
Charlie Amerson
Jessie Payne
Jill Lehrer
Victor Olvera
Suzanne Piehl
Milton Lake
Paula Sharon
Samuel Davis

**Let us know if we forgot you! We’ll add you right away!**


Calculating RMR (Without a Lab)

A person’s basal metabolic rate (BMR) and resting metabolic rate (RMR) represent the total amount of energy the body consumes while at rest or asleep. One of the main purposes for determining these rates with respect to fitness is to help calculate a person’s basic caloric needs each day.