Summer is over and school is back in session. Things seem chaotic for your clients now that their kids or themselves are back in school. That free time they once had during the summer months has dissipated into thin air. This can make working out to be quite a challenge for them.

The struggle is real, but not impossible. Putting together a game plan for your clients by loading up their arsenal with simple solutions will get them back on track in no time. Help your clients get a jumpstart on a healthy body before turkey and cookie season arrives.

Here is a list of 5 simple solutions I provide my clients with:


It can be difficult to find time to workout with such a hectic schedule. Sit down with your clients to identify gaps or available times in their day. This would be a great time to book your clients out for workout days with you and homework for them to do on their own. Having dedicated days and times that they set for exercise will ensure they stay consistent and continue to see results.


Meal Prep or Meal Delivery

Sometimes the last thing that you want to do at the end of a long day is to come home and cook dinner. Your clients will likely reach for something that is quick, easy and probably not full of nutrients. Prepping meals on the weekend can be a great way to have fresh food that is easy to put together during the week while staying on track with good nutrition.

No time to prep? Many companies offer delivery service straight to your home of either fresh ingredients to make meals or meals already assembled. For the busy mom that doesn’t have time to go grocery shopping with her 3 kids, this can be a lifesaver.


Many people enjoy a social aspect to go along with exercise. For something that can feel so cumbersome, if they are around others, it can make the time fly by. Encourage your clients to attend a kickboxing, spin or other cardio class. Going to these classes can have them meeting others that are also fitness minded and adhering to their cardio homework on a consistent basis.


Circuit Training

This is not only something that I suggest to my clients with a busy schedule, but also find myself relying on when I have back to back clients. 30 minutes is all it takes! Focus on hitting every major muscle group. Including compound movements so you are hitting upper and lower body will give you more bang for your buck. When you or your clients do circuits, be sure to have very short breaks between exercises (10-15 seconds) so you keep that heart rate up and maximize your time.

Home Gym

Sometimes, having the time to get to the gym will just not be possible for your clients. Encourage them to have a few pieces of equipment so they can save time by working out at home. A set of resistance bands are a basic necessity for my clients and are portable when they travel. If they can splurge a bit, a medicine ball, adjustable weights and a balancer are among the items that rank at the top of my list.
Implementing 1 or more of these items will be sure to keep you and your clients on track well after school has started. What do you suggest to your clients to stay fit on a tight schedule?

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Christine Oakes

Christine Oakes is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer, Fitness Nutrition Specialist, Health Coach, NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist and 200RYT certified yoga instructor . She currently operates her own fitness company offering personal training, bootcamp and yoga classes in the Mountain View, CA area. Christine has had a love for being active since childhood and believes that true fitness comes from a balance of strength, nutrition, flexibility and a dose of fun. Learn more about Christine at