
Do you want to create fitness videos that get and hold attention?

Here are three things you can do before you even film that will help you create videos that keep clients seeking your content again and again.

Figure out what you’re selling.

True enough, clients sign that contract or agree to subscription fees in return for personal training, workouts, and group classes. But, it’s not the actual fitness services they want, it’s the benefit from fitness services they’re after.

So what are clients really buying?

Is it the convenience of working out at home? Is it lower cholesterol, stress relief? Endurance to compete in an event or to keep up with the kids? Maybe they’re after increased confidence or physical appeal. Maybe a reunion is coming up and they want to impress or appear more like their old self.

Why does anyone really want rock-hard abs?

Think it through, and come up with a few benefits someone might gain from using your particular video, and let that be your guide when you sit down to plan your routine and your talking points. Be sure to talk up those benefits to keep exercisers focused on the goals, feeling that you understand what they want, and are the one to help them achieve it.

Create a title that tells the viewer exactly what you offer.

Don’t leave them hoping or guessing with an obscure title promising a Fantastic 30-Minute Workout. You could be offering exactly what they’re looking for, but no one can tell from reading that title. Instead, think 30 Minutes to Better Endurance. That’s a rough example and can be whittled down to be even more specific, but you get the idea.

Now that you have a great title, create an intro that lets viewers know immediately how you will live up to the title’s promise, and then go right to it. Sounds simple. But how many times have you clicked a video only to be met with a rambling introduction and content that didn’t quite deliver what you’d hoped for?

Establish credibility quickly and up front.

With the ease and accessibility of video creation comes a flooded market. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean flooded with quality. Establish professionalism with a few quick sentences in your bio. Your goal here is to encourage confidence in viewers that you can deliver on your promise, and that your exercises are safe for general populations.

Short is best, but if you have several accomplishments that you must mention, remember to front-load the bio with your best information. If viewers were to read only one thing about you, what would you want it to be? Put that first. Order your entire bio with that in mind. If they were to read only two things, what else would you most like them to know? And so on.

Here’s a bonus tip: head over to Facebook to share your ideas on creating attention-holding videos, and to pick up more tips from fellow trainers.


Making Fitness Videos: 4 Do’s and Don’ts

How to Use You Tube to Build Your Fitness Business.

Tanisha Rule

Tanisha Rule has a BA in English and is a former Mad Dogg-certified Spinning instructor. She taught indoor cycle and boot camp and has now combined her passions as a full-time writer for the health and fitness industries, check out her site at If she isn’t writing or reading, she can be found happily training for an endurance event, likely after having said, “This is my last one for a while,” because there is no finish line; there is only progress.