Understanding Patellar Tendonitis

Jumping athletes, particularly women, are prone to patellar tendonitis. This condition occurs when the patellar tendon becomes inflamed and causes pain in the knee.


Understanding Exercise Injury Risk Factors

A basic assumption among people when they work is out that they leave the gym in some way better than they did when they came in. For that reason, it’s important place as much emphasis on injury prevention, treatment and/or management as on the effectiveness of fitness program design.


Core Stability

The core is where the most of the body’s power is derived. It provides the foundation for all movements of the arms and legs. The core must therefore be strong and be capable of dynamic flexibility and synergistic function in its movements in order to achieve maximum performance.


It’s not an Earthquake – It’s a Lifestyle Shift

A client came to me recently with a goal of holding his “spare tire” at bay. While this is a rather amorphous platform from which to spring forward, I accepted the challenge and wrote him a basic exercise plan. However, when I attempted to touch on the subject of nutrition, he virtually jumped down my throat, informing me that he still wanted to “enjoy life”, and he was unwilling to accept any dietary restrictions or changes to his current favorite foods.

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What’s a “CPT”?

Certified Personal Trainer, CPT, is the title and accompanying acronym used in the personal fitness training industry for an individual who has been appropriately assessed…