Thank You For Serving

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It is usually only on special days of the year that we intentionally thank the men and women of the United States Military. Today is not one of those holidays, but it is still a day to thank those who protect and serve this country with their lives. Today, NFPT would like to thank all the men and women who sacrifice so much to keep us safe. You deserve to be recognized outside of those days that the rest of us get off of work and get to enjoy the comfort of our own homes and our families. Today is not one of those days. But you still deserve to be recognized. You have earned that.

As a former Marine, I know the sacrifices my family made and I know how hard it was for them. Thank you to the family members of those who are serving. Thank you for your sacrifices that normally go unrecognized. Thank you for helping shape these men and women into people who want nothing more than to serve their country and fellow Americans.

Thank you everyone who has ever been a part of the military or had family a part of the military. Your work will never be forgotten and we cannot thank you enough. To all of those mentioned, NFPT and I thank you, and I salute you.


Ron Clark is the Founder of National Federation of Professional Trainers, NFPT. From U.S. Marine Staff Sergeant to Competitive BodyBuilder, then Firefighter and Certified Personal Trainer - he founded NFPT in 1988 with a mission to make fitness training careers accessible to every day fitness enthusiasts who want to turn their passion into their livelihood. Ron has always led with a heart of service, and, in that spirit, he helps people to achieve real and practical career goals that serve a greater good in changing people's lives. He lives and leads by example, being a personal trainer himself for more than 10 years before setting out to develop a certification program that is real-world and foundational to the goals of personal trainers and their clients. Click Here to learn more about Ron's story and NFPT's inception.