Training sessions can do a lot of things for our clients. We show them how to gain strength, become more flexible, build confidence, develop better posture, and increase mobility. We are able to plan workout sessions that can also energize.

What Creates the Energy?

Increased blood flow is one way to energize. This means the circulation is doing what it’s supposed to do. Active movement encourages the blood to push through the circulatory system, like turning on a household faucet to open the water flow or putting gas in a car to make it go.

Another way to energize is by releasing endorphins. Anyone who can identify that they’ve had a rush of endorphins can attest to its power. These feel-good hormones are released through various activities; exercise is a big one. While the release of these hormones will vary with each client and each workout, once the endorphins kick in, your client will likely have a sense of exhilaration and increased energy. This can be obtained through maxing out goals, pushing the limits, exercising at a high level for a sustained amount of time, or simply doing what your client enjoys most.

Deep breathing has energizing benefits. Good breathwork allows the lungs and other organs to get the oxygen they need to work properly. Good respiration equates to good energy, which can also reduce stress levels. We all need that!

Impress upon your fitness clients the importance of hydration. Being dehydrated can deplete energy levels. Staying hydrated is key during training sessions, but also throughout the day every day. If clients are reluctant to maintain hydration or to track it, suggest measured waterbottles and containers* that can be ordered online to track hydration for them.

How Do You Energize in Training Sessions?

It helps if trainers exude high energy themselves, so put your game face on. Aside from your energy as a trainer, exercise is a bigger guide. 

Exercise is like a wonder drug for so many things, including boosting energy levels.


Most, if not all, cardio exercises, especially high-intensity varieties, pump energy throughout the body. Clients will get their breath going. Some of these exercises include:

  • Burpees
  • Squat jumps
  • Box jumps
  • Mountain climbers
  • Plank jumping jacks
  • Hill sprints

Confidence Builders

Movements that build confidence and self-esteem have a way of helping clients to feel energized. When you feel good about yourself, you’re more naturally inclined to feel positive energy. Some ideas:

  • Goal post (goddess arms in yoga) arm rotations with weights
  • Superman on floor or half-dome ball
  • Handstands
  • Balancing (standing or seated) on a half-dome ball
  • Using suspension cables which require balance and strength

Achieving Goals

Exercises that demonstrate accomplishment or reaching/exceeding goals beef up the ego which reinforces energy. Keeping a written log tracks accountability and provides a visible way to see results on paper. Some ways to help clients achieve goals are:

  • Doing more pushups than in the past
  • Holding plank or bridge pose longer
  • Lifting heavier weight when appropriate to progress
  • Adding more reps or more sets than the last time
  • Learning a difficult exercise like a pull-up, starting with regressions
  • Running faster or longer than previously

External Factors that Energize

Trainers can shake things up a bit by utilizing external factors to raise the energy level.

Weather-permitting, moving the workouts outside is an easy way to raise the energy bar. The change of scenery, fresh air, and a touch of Mother Nature might just be what energizes your client. Plus, the extra Vitamin D has mental and physical perks. Being outdoors offers new ways to exercise too.

Play music. Create a playlist with energizing music. Or play tunes that your client favors.

Change up workout equipment or approaches.

Sustained Benefits

Some benefits last long after the training session. After an energizing workout, clients may have a renewed sense of energy throughout the rest of their day or night. They might get more work done than usual. Chances are strong that your client will have a good, high-quality sleep following the workout.
And, ideally, they’ll be pumped up and ready for the next training session!

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Kim Becknell Williams

Kim Becknell Williams is a freelance writer with more than ten years of personal training experience. Certified through NFPT, she is a Functional Training Specialist and holds a Master Trainer level certificate for resistance, endurance and sports nutrition. Kim has written two books including Gym Etiquette 101. She enjoys writing a variety of lifestyle articles and fitness blogs.