CNN Mentions NFPT

A couple weeks ago, CNN mentioned NFPT in an article for their fitness blog. They referenced some of our research regarding personal trainer salaries. The article itself was about “5 Things to Look for in a Personal Trainer”. Their five suggested qualities to look for in trainer were:


  • Patience
  • Communication
  • Professionalism
  • Education
  • Personality

We, ironically, wrote a couple blog posts about what people are looking for and qualities in a personal trainer. The top six qualities we discussed were:

  • Certification
  • Education
  • Experience
  • Personal touch
  • Cost
  • Reliability

What are some more characteristics you would add to these two lists?


The NFPT Team is your #FitFam of trainer professionals who make various contributions to the NFPT Blog according to timed news and events, or interests in writing to current topics respective to individual skillset, talent and/or professional recommendations.